Home Horoscope Why you should choose a cat depending on your zodiac sign

Why you should choose a cat depending on your zodiac sign

10 min read

Are you thinking of bringing a new furry member into the family, but you’re not entirely sure if it’s the right time? Cats are a big responsibility, but if you give them the attention and the necessary basics, you will see that they are the best friends you can have.

If you are thinking of pros and cons for adopting a cat, we have prepared the most important ones according to your zodiac sign. Don’t miss any cat related articles on Blanitza.ro. Moreover, if you want to find out which are the 4 zodiac signs for which the adoption of a kitten is recommended, read until the end!


Aries have a lot in common with cats in terms of personality. They are said to be independent and brave, qualities that we can certainly attribute to the little furry friends. But, looking at the less positive parts of this zodiac sign, if you are an Aries, a playful kitten will help you manage your temper and patience much better.


If you are a Gemini, you will finally find that soul that will understand you at all times. Because there are still moments when you either need affection, or you want to distance yourself from those around you for your own peace, a cat will offer you exactly the same treatment. Share your home with a pet to take care of, to feed and who will ask for your attention only when it needs it.


There is no better person for hugs and affection during an emotional scene from your favourite movie, than a furry and fluffy kitten, ready to spoil you with hugs and warmth. Whenever you feel the need to vent and tell someone what you feel, knowing that your secrets will remain safe, your small and discreet friend will always be there for you.


It’s time to find your match when it comes to stubbornness and the drive to be a leader. Cats are known for their habit of doing what they want, whenever they want, so these fluffy flatmates will help you be more understanding and to control your impulse to prove that you are the best at everything. The little ones will help you to be more responsible, more careful with those around you and they will definitely be your most reliable allies.


Virgos want love, but only when they’ll know for sure that they’ve found it, will they move on to the next step. Well, who says that love has to come from another person? Kittens are always eager for attention and love, offering theirs unconditionally. If your best friend is a fluffy cat that gives you all its love, you can consider yourself a fulfilled person and a winner.


Libras are creative, ambitious, intelligent and even sensitive. Does that sound familiar? When you will see that little cat taking the first steps in its new home, inspecting everything due to curiosity and finding ingenious ways to get to the place it intends to get to, you will definitely know that you have made the right decision. People can learn a lot from animals, and those of the Libra sign will definitely be pleasantly surprised by how many new things they will learn thanks to the adventurous kittens.


Find the most loyal prank partner in a tiny fluff with whiskers. Scorpios are funny and they love to use sarcasm from time to time, and the serious antics of a kitten will definitely  complement your jokes. Like those born under this sign, kittens consider themselves close to perfection, so, having them as best friends means that you have gained a companion who will always understand your pride for your success, and will always be there for you.


We know, nothing will ever feel better than saving a soul. Even if you have a full house, an adopted kitten that needs a house and a friend is waiting for you to save it. In the morning, when it is most difficult for you to find the energy to start the day, a hug from the little fluffy kitten who is grateful to you will be incomparable.


Since you are likely to be busy most of the day, we understand why you have doubts about adopting a kitten. However, cats require much less things than a puppy, considering that they do not have to be taken out at a certain time and they have a sense of measure when it comes to food. Order some toys for entertainment during the day and leave it enough food until you get home and you can enjoy your free time together. Sleep will never be more restful than when you have a kitten next to you.


Your desire to share things with those around you will not be able to be controlled when you see the loving face of the furry kitten. Surely, a cat will help you find yourself, trust yourself and remember that you are loved, kind and caring, even if you don’t always feel it.


It’s time for fish and cats to become friends! We know that you are a cheerful and loving person, and taking care of a fluffy animal will always make you remember that someone is waiting for you and needs your affection.

The zodiac signs that love cats the most

If you have reached the end, it means that you want to know if you are one of the signs that MUST adopt a kitten. Well, if you were born under the sign of Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo or Pisces, this is definitely your sign to adopt a fluffy animal!

What are you waiting for? Now that you know all the benefits that a kitten offers, save and adopt a cat from the BabyCat Care portofolio!

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