Home Articles What you need to know about vitamin D

What you need to know about vitamin D

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It is a time when the topics about strengthening the immune system are on everyone’s lips. And this is not only because of the COVID 19 epidemic, but also because in the cold season, respiratory infections affect a large part of the population. Even if wearing a mask could reduce the risk of viruses, we should still make sure we have a strong immune system.

And because more than ever, doctors and pharmacists highly recommend vitamin D, you may want to know more about this vitamin and how it affects your health, immune system, and fertility.

Vitamin D is essential for a strong immune system

Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with an increased risk of various respiratory illnesses. Among the most serious are: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, viral and bacterial infections, asthma or tuberculosis.

In fact, vitamin D deficiency can lead to decreased lung function, which can affect the body’s ability to fight respiratory infections of any kind.

Vitamin D and overdose
Even though people often take vitamin D from the sun, you can’t get overdose just by sun exposure or by eating foods that contain vitamin D. The only way the limit can be exceeded is through vitamin D supplements.
Like vitamin D deficiency and overdose, it is unhealthy and dangerous to health.

Vitamin D is a hormone
Vitamin D is a hormone and not a vitamin in the true sense of the word. It can be produced by the body, on the skin, in contact with the sun and has various extremely important roles in the human body.

Vitamin D, involved in fertility
Everyone talks about how important vitamin D supplementation is to keep us healthy, but we rarely talk about the contribution that this hormone has in fertility. It has been proven that vitamin D helps in fertility, but also in achieving a healthy pregnancy.

Therefore, if you want a baby and try to get pregnant without success, your doctor may recommend vitamin D in addition to folic acid.

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