Do you want to know what stars reserve you for 2020? Read the 2020 horoscope for every sign right now and find out how this year will work.

- Horoscope Aries ›
- Horoscope Taurus ›
- Horoscope Gemini ›
- Horoscope Cancer ›
- Horoscope Leo ›
- Horoscope Virgo ›
- Horoscope Libra ›
- Horoscope Scorpio ›
- Horoscope Sagittarius ›
- Horoscope Capricorn ›
- Horoscope Aquarius ›
- Horoscope Pisces ›
Horoscope Aries 2020 – financial success
Aries will have a very good year both sentimentally and healthily.
Love – Horoscope Aries 2020
Year 2020 will be a pretty good one for Aries in terms of relationships. Those who are in a couple will see how beautiful their love story will evolve and it is possible that by the end of the year a marriage application will take place. Aries that are alone have a high chance of finding half in the spring of this year.
Horoscope Aries Health 2020
Although they have neglected their health last year, this year the Aries are ready to take more into account what they eat and take care of them through regular checks at the doctors. This will help them be more energetic throughout the year and may even change their eating style.
Horoscope Aries 2020 – money
As for the financial side, 2020 is a favorable year for Aries. They will make an investment that is proving to be a successful one by the end of the year. They will have a lot of money at the end of the year and will be able to make vacation plans for next year, wherever they want to go.
Taurus 2020 horoscope – they will have to make changes in lifestyle
Taurus will feel quite overwhelmed this year by some medical problems, but from the second part of the year everything will return to normal.
Love – Taurus 2020 Horoscope
Taurus natives will meet a special person this winter, but they will not think for a moment that they will form a couple too soon. They feel good in their company and spend as much time together, without realizing that they end up falling in love.
Taurus Health Horoscope 2020
In the first part of the year Taurus will have some health problems. Older problems related to back or foot pain seem to create discomfort and they will have to make some changes in their lifestyle in order to get on their feet faster.
Taurus 2020 horoscope – money
Because at work things do not seem to improve, it is advisable to be more compassionate when it comes to spending money, at least until the summer. They may have to change their jobs, where they can earn much better than before.
Gemini 2020 horoscope – a good year to strengthen your relationship
Gemini declare themselves very much in love this year, but not even financially it seems that they are not bad.
Love – Gemini Horoscope 2020
Gemini make great efforts to remain in the graces of the loved one who seems to be more demanding than expected. Because they care so much about it, they won’t feel overwhelmed by the fact that they have to pay close attention to them. It is a good year to establish future relationships.
Horoscope Gemini Health 2020
The fact that they have decided to follow a healthier lifestyle with a much healthier diet than in previous years, Gemini will be able to see a change in how they will feel. They will have more energy and will feel much better to face all the daily challenges.
Gemini 2020 horoscope – money
Because they have worked so hard lately, it is time for this year to receive what they deserve. Gemini will receive an increase in salary and appreciation of the bosses, which will make them more confident in themselves.
Cancer 2020 horoscope – rational in love and moderate in expenses
Natives of this sign will feel good this year alone and do not rush to meet half. Also be careful how much money you spend, at least at the beginning of the year.
Love – Horoscope Cancer 2020
The break-up that took place last year doesn’t seem to affect Cancer anymore. The year begins in force and they no longer think about throwing their heads forward in any relationship. It is a good time to spend more time with friends and dear people.
Cancer Health Horoscope 2020
In the first part of the year it is possible to face a flu that can keep them in bed for a short period of time. They do not have to worry because they will recover quite quickly, especially since they will take great care of them.
Cancer 2020 horoscope – money
Because they have spent a lot in the last few months, the Cancer natives feel they need to save more in the last period. That’s why the first part of the year will be spent saving as much as possible and not enjoying the outings in the city too much.
- Horoscope Aries ›
- Horoscope Taurus ›
- Horoscope Gemini ›
- Horoscope Cancer ›
- Horoscope Leo ›
- Horoscope Virgo ›
- Horoscope Libra ›
- Horoscope Scorpio ›
- Horoscope Sagittarius ›
- Horoscope Capricorn ›
- Horoscope Aquarius ›
- Horoscope Pisces ›
Horoscope Leo 2020 – career success and enough money for vacations
Small problems in love that will be solved throughout the year, but financially and career success.
Love – Horoscope Leo 2020
In the first months of 2020, the Lions will feel ignored by their loved one and decide to seriously discuss with them what is bothering them. It is possible that the relationship is not understood and that the suffering is even more. However, it will not be about separation, but only minor misunderstandings.
Leo Health Horoscope 2020
They will tend to ignore their health problems for some time, but will need to undergo drug treatment to keep their symptoms under control. It will be a year when you will have to make some visits to the doctor.
Horoscope Leo 2020 – money
This year the natives Leo will have the chance of their lives to get the long-awaited job. It will be their biggest achievement this year, the financial one, because the salary will be one as well. He has to watch out for colleagues because they are not just kind.
Horoscope Virgo 2020 – a good year for future plans in love
The plans for the future in the relationship seem to work and even with the health are not very bad.
Love – Virgo 2020 Horoscope
Virgo want to spend as much time with their loved one and that’s why they even decide to move together. This step is quite important for their relationship that can evolve for good or give back.
Virgo Health Horoscope 2020
Because the year begins in good shape, the Virgo intend this year to make more movement and maintain a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. It remains to be seen if word can be kept and if only a simple plan will remain.
Virgo 2020 horoscope – money
The Virgo are lucky this year for money, a person close to the family will continue to help them whenever they need it. They should not rely solely on this help, but would rather seek a way to earn more money.
Libra 2020 Horoscope – emotions on the sentimental plan
A beginning of relationship with emotions and big plans in the career. Libra will have something to think about this year and will not sit still for a moment.
Love – Libra Horoscope 2020
Although they are in love until the end of a person since the end of last year, Libras just in the spring of this year make them courage to witness what they feel. It is possible to have a pleasant surprise, but do not have to be very excited because the answer is not a definite yes.
Health Horoscope 2020
The scales begin this year to listen to the advice of others around the lifestyle they lead. They will start to sleep more nights and take care of what they eat. This will greatly help them to strengthen their immune system.
Horoscope Libra 2020 – money
Dissatisfied with the current job because of the salary, the Libra will be in a continuous search this year for new career opportunities. They will not rush to throw themselves at the first offer and will analyze very well every time that advantages and disadvantages can have to a new job.
Scorpio 2020 horoscope – they want to move the relationship to another level
Scorpions have plans for the future in the relationship, they have been thinking about marriage for some time. On a financial level, it is necessary to give up some habits.
Love – Scorpio Horoscope 2020
Because they have been together for a long time, Scorpions have been thinking for some time that they feel ready to start a family with their life partner. But I do not know how to make this proposal and if the future plans of the two coincide.
Health Scorpion Horoscope 2020
Scorpions need some time to recover, lately they have not slept long enough and feel powerless. From the second half of the year they will be able to feel more energetic and positive.
Scorpio 2020 horoscope – money
In the last period there are some problems with the money for Scorpioni and upon a closer analysis of the situation, they find that they have to make certain savings. He has to give up some habits that will help them save more money.
- Horoscope Aries ›
- Horoscope Taurus ›
- Horoscope Gemini ›
- Horoscope Cancer ›
- Horoscope Leo ›
- Horoscope Virgo ›
- Horoscope Libra ›
- Horoscope Scorpio ›
- Horoscope Sagittarius ›
- Horoscope Capricorn ›
- Horoscope Aquarius ›
- Horoscope Pisces ›
Sagittarius Horoscope 2020 – big expenses this year
They will not necessarily have to find a long-term partner, especially since this year they will have more expenses.
Love – Sagittarius Horoscope 2020
The natives of Sagittarius do not feel ready to have a new relationship after the last disappointment. However, they will not stand up to the opportunities that arise and will be pleased to meet new people they have met several times.
Sagittarius Health Horoscope 2020
Although they are feeling pretty good this year, it is not advisable to set aside health and not go to the doctor and routine tests. It is better to prevent it than to get sick.
Sagittarius Horoscope 2020 – money
Sagittarius decides to make some renovations in the house and even to buy some quite expensive goods. This year they will spend what they have saved in recent years, but they will not be sorry.
Horoscope Capricorn 2020 – are not determined to give the second chance in the relationship
Although there are more problems in love, financially things are improving.
Love – Horoscope Capricorn 2020
Capricorns feel that they have forgiven their partners too many times and that is why they feel ready to end the relationship. It remains to be seen if the partner will understand the gravity of the situation and thus will see if they really care for them.
Horoscope Capricorn Health 2020
This year Capricorns will feel great, especially since last year they had something to do with their health problems. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with plenty of movement and proper nutrition.
Horoscope Capricorn 2020 – money
It is precisely in the fall Capricorns will feel more secure on them financially. Until then they will try to assert themselves as much as possible in the workplace to gain the appreciation and trust of the bosses. From spring it is possible to receive important amounts of money from a close person.
Aquarius Horoscope 2020 – more attention to health
The natives of this sign will face problems in the relationship and will have to pay more attention to their health.
Love – Aquarius Horoscope 2020
The Aquarius feel ignored in the first months of the year and do not understand why the couple’s partner behaves more indifferently with them. It is advisable to try to discuss to see what happened and if the situation can be rectified.
Aquarius Health Horoscope 2020
Because they have neglected their health lately, Aquarius will suffer this year. For a long period of time they will not feel at ease and will have to make more trips to doctors for different investigations.
Aquarius Horoscope 2020 – money
As for the financial side, this year they have nothing to worry about, especially since they receive a lot of help from the family. By the end of the year, however, they will have an unforeseen expense.
Pisces 2020 horoscope – good luck in love and career
A good year for Pisces, they will feel appreciated both at work and in the relationship.
Love – Horoscope Pisces 2020
The fish will be very in love this year and will spend a lot of time with the lover. In addition, he will make many gifts, which is not so common for the natives of this sign. They will manage to surprise even the close persons who do not know them as givers.
Health Pisces Horoscope 2020
The natives of this sign can not complain at all in terms of health this year. For some time they have adopted a healthier lifestyle that they will continue to maintain. But he must be careful about seasonal flu.
Horoscope Pisces 2020 – money
It will be a year of career changes for Pisces, and this comes with a bigger package. They will have the opportunity to purchase everything they have wanted for some time without saving too much.